Thursday, June 21, 2012

Not what we hoped and prayed for.

We were to Cleveland last week and we didn't exactly get the news we wanted.  It's not the worst news but still hard to take.  There is minimal new growth on my MRI in comparison to a scan from a year ago.  I will absolutely do chemo again and surgery may be an option.  I will go back in July for a functional MRI and then go back to meet with the surgeon to discuss the results and decide if surgery is a good option for me or not.  We are managing to put one foot in front of the other but to say the least's been hard.  We are tired, just plain tired.  We've talked with Luke lightly about this and so far he seems to be doing very well with it.  I don't think he really understands what's ahead of us.  He was too little the first time around that he doesn't remember me being sick.  It was much easier then.  I've always been thankful that he was so young the first time around.  Seems as though the older they are the harder it is for them.  He has no idea that he is going to be the reason I push through much as I dread being sick, tired, and all the Dr.'s apts.  We sort of had the weekend to wrap our heads around this all and I'd say I feel like I'm finally getting a "grasp" of it all.  It's been hard, it's been exhausting, it's been way emotional, it's just been very trying.  We're not sleeping too well so I'm tired and not up for writing much.  I knew I needed to update this though.

As always, we are SO thankful for all of our prayer warriors out there!  Your text, emails, cards, etc. mean more than you'll ever know.  Thank lift us up when we are falling.

I know I'm not too exciting this morning but I never am in the morning :)   I hope this doesn't come across negative.  I do not doubt that God has a wonderful plan for our lives.  I know he will bring each of us through this.  As frustrated as we are, we do not doubt Him.  I do have peace that it's all going to be "ok."  Just a "bump" in the road I suppose.  I prefer smooth roads. :)
