Monday, February 22, 2010

Friday, February 26th.

Many of you have been asking me when my apt. is in Feb. So I thought I'd post a quick update to let you all know. We will leave early in the morning on Friday Feb. 26th and who knows what time we will be home. My cousin Jordan will have district wrestling at Owens on Friday and Saturday so if we're up to it we will stop there on our way home which will be a very long day either way. I feel very good about my apt. and believe that I will have very good news to report!
Thanks for all the prayers!


Jill said...

I admire you so much. Your strength and just happiness is always radiating from you whenever I see you. God has given you a mighty shield against your illness. Remember always the powerful things he has given you.
I will pray even harder this week for you.
Loving YOU,

Jessie said...

Thanks Jill! You are always sooooo kind! Yes God has blessed me with a great peace about this all! I'm very thankful for that everyday!