Wednesday, January 9, 2008

Great News!!

Jessie, Mike, and Luke traveled to the Cleveland Clinic today for Jessie's first MRI in three months. The Dr.'s were "thrilled" with her results! There was much anxiety leading up to this day for Jessie and we are all so relieved to hear such good news. Praise the Lord!!


linda said...

I am so thrilled to hear about your good report today!!! We prayed for you today at our Bible study that was held at Norma Griesers house! I invited Sabrina Griser to come to our Bible study (which started today) and she came!!
Remember, to walk by faith and not by sight! We talked about that today at study!
So happy for you!!! Praying for you tomorrow during you next cemo!
Philippians 1:6

Jill & Jessica Grant said...

Yeah!!! What fantasic news to start off your New Year! I just can't even put into words how happy and excited I am for you guys right now. Isn't it funny how one day can change your whole life?!

Everything we go through in life takes us through another phase. And it's up to us to learn and share those lessons with all who will listen. I firmly believe Jessie that all that you've been through has happened for a reason. Maybe it was to help you find God. Or maybe it was a lesson on how precious and fragile life is. Or maybe it was to find strength that you didn't know you had. There is no doubt that there will come a time when you will have the answer to that question. But for now, run through your life like you are barefoot...and feel every precious stone and piece of sand on the ground. And know that you have been given such an incredible gift. "You are a child of the universe, no less than the trees & the stars; you have a right to be here. And whether or not it is clear to you, no doubt the universe is unfolding as it should. Therefore be at peace with God, whatever you concieve Him to be, and whatever your labors & aspirations, in the noisy confusion of life, keep peace with your soul. With all its sham, drudgery & broken dreams, it is still a beautiful world." (a quote from my favorite poem - Desiderata) You've searched your soul Jessie and have been given the opportunity to use that knowledge now. You never know, there may be someone out there right now that you will be able to inspire with your story. You've inspired me and the sky is the limit for you now. Celebrate! Enjoy! And know that we are all right there with you!


April said...

Hi Jessie -

I don't know if you'll remember me but I was finishing up beauty school shortly after you and Jolie started. Then I was April Lee. Anyways, it's amazing how fast news (good and bad) spreads. I heard about what happened to you in the fall and have been keeping up your progress all along. I just wanted to say I'm so sorry for what happened to you that and you have been in my thoughts since fall. Good luck and I wish you a healthy new year.

Take care, April Pocalujka

Ps: You have a lovely family.

Todd said...

Sabrina and I have been praying for you. We know just how anxious the times are when waiting for test results. We are so thrilled that you had such a great report! If there is anything we can do, please let us know.


LJ said...

Hey girl!
I am so glad to hear about your AWESOME results! I have keeping informed thru the blog and I am so glad you are feeling better! (ok, and my hair is happy you are coming back to work!)
It is just amazing sometimes what life dishes out. You have handled yourself incredibly well. I admire your strength and positive attitude!
I will send my email so we can catch up!
God Bless!
Laura S.

Jill & Jessica Grant said...

Hi Jessie,

I just wanted you to say hi and let you know that you are still in our prayers everyday. Jessica really wants to send you an email but we keep getting so busy and then before you know it it's bed time so we try and plan for the next night. So be prepared that one is coming.:) She just keeps telling me how much she misses you.

On another note, I finally got my business web site set up and running and wanted to invite you to take a look. I think you'll recognize one of my favorite pieces... :). Now I just need to find out what his name is. :) Just go to and take a look.

Love ya,
Jill :)

QTLatina said...

Hi Jessie,
Remember me?? Rick's wonderful assistant Angie, at least I'm sure that's how he described me to I'm so glad to hear you got good news from your MRI! I hope you kick this things ASS!
I was so glad to finally meet you (back in October!) Time sure flies, doesn't it? We'll have to get together sometime soon if for nothing else than to make fun of Rick. Take care! Your in my thoughts! Angie