Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Blog Slacker :(

Sorry it's been awhile since I've posted anything. That's good though. That means we're doing well, no bad news, just busy stuff.

Mike and I got away for a long weekend a few weeks ago for our little "done with chemo" celebration. We had a very nice time. We went to Holmes Co., Ohio. I am infatuated with the Amish and it's mainly an Amish area. We ate a lot and slept a lot. It was great! :)

Yesterday was the day that I would have normally started another treatment so it was pretty cool to NOT be starting one! I've been feeling pretty well. I dropped one of my meds that was for the stomach pain that I get from my chemo and I think I dropped it too soon. I've been having a lot of stomach pain. Hopefully all that will return to normal again soon. I'm just glad to be where I am now. It's a good place. I'm upright, appreciating my family more than ever, and realizing what a gift every day is.

I LOVE Thanksgiving so shame on all of you who have up your Christmas stuff (lindsay)! :) I love Christmas too but I really love Thanksgiving! Thanksgiving is just so laid back. I love that. I love getting together with all of our families, eating, laying around watching football. This year we are having my mom's side over to our house for Thanksgiving and I'm really looking forward to it. I love a full house!

I am yet to do my Christmas shopping but hoping to get started real soon. Luke has a special Christmas request this year. My mom made him a blanket before he was born that is now HIS "ganky." Well, it's looking pretty bad and can't be repaired anymore. So Luke said to me that he wants ME to make him a new "ganky." I do not like to sew, but how could I turn down a request like that. So I'm going to try to do my best and bring out the domestic side! Scary.

Luke is still loving school. They did preschool pictures and they are just adorable! It just makes me smile to look at his picture. It is too cute!

Mike is staying busy too. As you know we did some work to the outside of our basement last month so now we have no front porch or landscape. It looks terrible. Supposedly they are going to be putting on the new front porch anytime. Mike tore out the old carpet in our basement and is now ready to lay the new carpet. He's very excited about it. I think he's planning on it being his "man room."




Kristen said...

What busy fun you have been having!

I have a confession, I have Christmas decorations up on our mantle. I can't enjoy the cold outside without Christmas decorations. I'm ready to see lights on all the houses!! It's my favorite!!

I like the story of Luke's "ganky". It still just amazes me how old he is! Maybe it's because I didn't live around here for awhile, but it seems like not too long ago you were just having him.

Jill said...

Have a wonderful Thanksgiving!
I agree with you on what a wonderful holiday it is. And, you have much to be thankful for this year.
Always in my prayers, Jill