Monday, August 18, 2008


Please pray for Jessie- she was admitted in the Archbold Hospital Sunday night with pneumonia. She was having a difficult time breathing so Mike took her to the emergency room. Her immune system is down because of chemo treatments and she is easily susceptible to illnesses. For now she is resting and they are hoping for her to come home sometime Tuesday.


Kristen said...

Oh Jess, I was just thinking about you today and wondering how you were doing then I read this. Not exactly how I was hoping to "find" you. I'm praying you feel better soon! Lots of love to you!

The Yackee Family said...

Jessie. Hope you feel better soon. Will be praying for you! ~ Jackie

Jill said...

Praying hard Jessie!

Hi, I'm Harmony said...

Hey Girl,

I'm prayin' hard for ya...I know how horrible it is to be in the hospital for any extended amount of time! Yuck.

I'm praying for healing and strength, especially that you can get strong and well enough to continue with your next treatment as planned.

Please let me know if there is anything I can do to help.

