Monday, February 22, 2016

I did it!

Today I went to work!  It may not sound like a big deal but last time there was no way I could have went to work on day 1 of treatment!  I only worked 5 hrs but I did it and I feel pretty decent.  Just more tired and if I didn't know better I'd think I was coming down with something. Fighting a little dizziness here and there but not bad!  Of course the dizziness goes away when I eat! ugh......!!!! So THANK YOU for your prayers! I feel them and God hears them!  Praying I continue to feel well!  Just wanted to send a quick update!

With much love and a very grateful heart,


Unknown said...

awesome family :)

Lu Marinho said...

Acabei de encontrar seu blog e não consegui ler todos seus post. Mas desejo que você tenho uma recuperação completa. Você tem uma linda família!! 💋