Monday, October 1, 2007

Praying For Strength

Jessie, Mike, and Audrey came home on Saturday. Each day is showing improvement, but is still a struggle. I did get to see Jessie's smile today, which I'm very thankful! She is still very tired and needing strength, but I know she will grow stronger every day. They are returning to Cleveland for post-op on Wednesday. Please continue to pray- it truly is her greatest support right now.


Michelle Burkholder said...

Hi Jessie, Mike and Luke,

I have just read about your progress and please know that you are in my thoughts and prayers and a true inspiration to me as I seem to get wrapped up in the day to day activities, nothing about today seems important except that you are doing well and making great improvements every day. Keep that wonderful smile!

Michelle Burkholder

Jill & Jessica Grant said...

Hi Jessie,

I am so happy for you and your family that you were able to come home so quickly after surgury. I bet little Luke is thrilled beyond words to have his mommy home. And your hubby and Mom as well. You've definitly made a lot of us take a second look at ourselves and not take so much for granted anymore. I know I see things so much differantly now because of your struggle and your ability to stay so possitive and overcome all of this. I know I keep saying this, but you really are an inspiration to me. I only hope that your recovery goes quickly so you can get back to the rest of your life and continue to leave your mark on the rest of the world. Keep smiling Jessie and know that you will continue to be in our thoughts and prayers. :)

Jill and Jessica

Peggy said...

Hi, Jessie, Mike, Luke and Audrey
We are so glad for this web-site so that we can know how specifically to pray for you all and rejoice with you in the victories both little and big.
You are daily in our prayers and Brandon and Mikaela can't wait until they can pick on you again (or wait is it the other way around , can't wait for you to pick on them)
May God continue to hold all of you in His loving arms.

Todd said...

Jessie and Family,

We continue to pray for strength, healing and God's peace. We were so glad that we got to talk with your family, even though the visit was brief, during your surgery. Please let us know if there is anything we can do.

HaleyJo said...
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Unknown said...

Jessie & Mike,
Keep thinking about you and the struggle you are fighting through! I'm so glad to hear the sugery went well for you, I knew it would!
Keep that postive attitude you always seem to have and things will work out fine for you!!!
love ya both!!

gal602 said...

Hi Jessie,

I just heard and I am so glad that your sergury went very well and that you were able to return home to Luke so quickly. I hope that you are able to have a quick and as painless recovery as possible. You have always been very positive when we have talked and I know that your positive attitude will get you through all of this. You and your family are in our thoughts and prayers.

James, Lisa & Grace Ledyard