Wednesday, April 30, 2008


We're back from Cleveland with a good report. I didn't have to spend the night which was nice. They ended up fitting all my apt.'s into one day. First apt. today was my MRI which is always the never racking one. As the machine beeps and shakes I lay there with my eyes closed praying that God will show the Dr.'s his miraculous healing. Next was my oncologist apt. in which my MRI was read and as we had prayed and hoped for a good report. I didn't see my usual oncologist so this one wasn't as familiar with my last scan to compare it with this one. He did say though that there was definitely NO growth. He said one could argue if it the "white area" (which we want to disappear) was smaller. This is good. He also said that this "area" could possibly even be scarring from surgery. I definitely felt as though this scan showed improvement in comparison to the last scan. Hopefully I will talk tomorrow with my regular oncologist to she what she thinks. My last apt. was my EEG. Apparently my oncologist wants to see if my seizure meds could be cut back and possibly go off of them in time. I would love that. I don't like having to take all these pills not to mention the cost of so many monthly meds. Even with good insurance co-pays add up quickly. I won't know the results of the EEG till possibly Wed. or so. They shouldn't be much to worry about. I'll will still pray for good results.

All in all it was a good visit. Mom, Jamie and Janel all went with me. We stopped to do a little quick shopping on the way home. It was a good day.

Thanks for all your prayers and concern.
Love, Jess and family.


Sarah said...

Hey Jessie,
It's Sarah Nafziger your water aerobics friend. I came across your blog quite some time ago and thought now would be a good time to write a comment. I'm so happy for your good news report. I pray that things keep coming back as good reports as well! My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family.

Chad said...

Uh, I guess I would be your water cooler friend. (Kind of like your friend Sarah, only with much less physical exertion.) You always used to hang around there! haha

Awesome report! :)

Kristen said...

I'm praying for good results for you too!! I totally understand how expensive all these kinds of medical things are even with insurance. I pray God is faithful finicially for you too! I'm glad you didn't have to stay the night in Cleveland. It's always nice to come back to your own bed, especially you as I remember you saying how much of a home-body you are.

I was going to call you and ask if I could change my hair appointment to just a cut and forget coloring it this time. My appt is on the 6th of May. Sorry to use your blog for my business question. Whenever I remember to call you it's always really late at night.

Unknown said...

hey....i'm glad to see some positive news from your appointment. i knew you would have good news.
I had such a great time in chicago with your family (very extended family) and your friends. Although it was hard to keep up with you girls shopping. It's like you all were on a mission. I think mike & I were just lagging behind most of the time. Rule #1: don't get between a woman and new clothes!

Dawn said...

Dear Jessie,

Sure have been praying for you. God is faithful and knows your every need. Would love to bring
you supper, please feel free to let me know if you need anything at all. Your in our prayers.
Dawn Lugbill