Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Prayers Are Answered

I just talked to Mike, and this report is better then the last. Last night Jessie's pain level was a 9-10. This morning her pain level was a 6-7. And tonight her pain level is at about 4-5. She did eat a very small amount today, and she was able to get out of bed briefly. Rest is the best thing for her right now, and she slept most of the day. Each time she wakes she feels slightly better than before. Dr. Barnett is very pleased with her progress; even in the past 24 hours. Her bandages can come off in the morning and they will wash her hair. If all goes according to plan, and if Jessie is up to it, they can go to the Hotel tomorrow night. I'm sure Jessie would be thanking everyone for all the prayers, and we know that they are being answered. Mike said he saw a great amount of progress from this morning to tonight. He seemed much more encouraged by this; "relieved" was the word he used.

Thoughts of Jessie have consumed all of us these past few days. Her struggle is teaching us all so much and encouraging our hearts to be faithful. Jessie- thank you for being such an example of God's amazing grace. I cannot wait to see your smile again. I love you-Janel


Joy said...

Oh my gosh, I am so happy things have went so well for you.I think and pray for you every day.Rex asks about you often,people in the ER ask about you, I have kept our church updated with your progress.You have touched more lives than you can possibly imagine.You are a very special person and God knows that. I am a firm believer that God will not give us more than we can handle, and everything happens for a reason.We may not ever understand why, but hopefully in a year or so you can put this all behind you and only have positive thoughts about all of it. Believe me, you will be a stronger person when this is all over. You have come so far, stay strong and don't let this ever get you down. When you feel up to it, Rex and I would still love to visit. If you or your family need anything, let us know. Joy Chamberlin

Robert McCabe said...

Jessie, Just wanted to let you know that my girls and I prayed for you again tonight before bed (Even my little Peyton:). We asked Jesus to take your pain away and pray that you will feel even better tomorrow morning! Still praying and will continue! Love, Missy

Jill & Jessica Grant said...

Hi Jessie! We were just so happy to hear that you are doing better after sugury. Jessica asks me everyday when she gets home from school how you are doing and I give her any updates. When I gave her the update yestarday she just smiled and said she had asked God to make you feel better and he must of heard her. I told her that I think that God has heard all of us who are praying for you. And we will continue to pray for your speedy recovery and clean bill of health. Again, thank you for being such an inspiration. You make us all smile! Jill and Jessica

AKAbebe said...

I'm glad to hear things are going well so far, you and you family are in Kaleab and I's thoughts and prayers daily. Remember that God is on your side and it sounds like you have an excellent surgeon working with you and for you as well as a great support staff. Continue to get plenty of rest and good luck with rest of your recovery!
Alyssa Beck Abebe

Amers said...

Hey glad to hear things are improving. We are still praying for strength for you and your family. Take things easy and let the Lord do his magic. Tell your mom and the boys to stay strong. Thinking of you all quite often throughout the day.

Amy Wyse