Hey there! Well it's been quite a long December. I thought I had caught the stomach flu or something but after talking with my oncologist's assistant we've learned that chemo can take quite a toll on your intestinal tract. I've been feeling pretty bad now for over a week plus the week of chemo before this had to come along. I'm counting on January to be much better! My oncologist's assist. gave me the on-call number for the weekend but I'm not sure at what point a should call. I've surely had enough! Apparently they (at Cleveland) think they're going to have to change my chemo a little. They're thinking I'm on too strong of a dose. I'm concerned about them lowering it because I will do what I need to make sure this cancer is gone. One good thing about them lowering my dose is that maybe my treatments would be a little more bearable and not so painful. I thought the intense pain I experience in my abdomen during the end of my treatments was normal for chemo but apparently it's not. I guess that's why they're considering lowering my dose. I'd like to find an alternative to lowering my dose just to be sure we're kicking the possible cancer cells that may be left. Definitely feeling pretty frustrated at this point.
We were able to get out for short periods of time to go to our many Christmas gatherings. Luke had a great Christmas. He and Mike have been so great through these last few weeks and they've definitely been on their own. Mike's been doing quite the job being "Mr. Mom." I've been very blessed with the family I have.
I apologize to those of you who have called and I am yet to return the call. I just have not felt good at all lately. They way I've been feeling lately doesn't allow me to get very good sleep at night so often I'll take a nap later in the day or just whenever I can get comfortable enough to fall asleep. Don't be afraid to call, if I'm up to it I'll answer and if I'm not doing well at the moment just leave a message. You won't be bothering us. I've been using my email more than ever because it's a nice way for me to stay in touch even when I don't feel great. So send your email addresses my way!!
Hope everyone enjoyed the Christmas season!
Much love, Jessie.
Monday, December 31, 2007
Monday, December 24, 2007
Merry Christmas!!
Well this week of treatment went a little better than the last few. The problem this time was that I started feeling better Thursday afternoon, then must have caught some sort of bug and was feeling pretty sick from Friday night till I ended up in the emergency room Sunday morning. They ran a bunch of tests and so far they think it's some type of flu or something along those lines. We're still waiting on some more test results. They told me to take some meds. and finally by late Sunday evening I'm feeling some relief. Now we're just praying for Mike and Luke not to get it. I'm a little worried Luke may already have a touch of it. He's so excited about Christmas, I'd be so bummed for him if he had to miss any of our upcoming Christmas celebrations. We have been very blessed already this Christmas season. We are so thankful for the generosity we've seen from so many people.
My follow up visit back to Cleveland with my Oncologist in scheduled for the second week of January. I'm looking forward to going and expecting good MRI results! Now a little farther into all of this, I have many more questions for her. I think there was just so much information in the beginning that we didn't even have time to think of the questions we would need to be asking.
Also returning to work the first week of January. I'm excited about this. Unfortunately I won't be able to work as much as before, and will have to have every 4th week off due to treatment, but I miss everyone and think this will help me regain some sense of normalcy.
I hope everyone enjoys this holiday season! Have a very MERRY CHRISTMAS and let's all have a safe, and HEALTHY NEW YEAR!!!
Jessie and family.
Well this week of treatment went a little better than the last few. The problem this time was that I started feeling better Thursday afternoon, then must have caught some sort of bug and was feeling pretty sick from Friday night till I ended up in the emergency room Sunday morning. They ran a bunch of tests and so far they think it's some type of flu or something along those lines. We're still waiting on some more test results. They told me to take some meds. and finally by late Sunday evening I'm feeling some relief. Now we're just praying for Mike and Luke not to get it. I'm a little worried Luke may already have a touch of it. He's so excited about Christmas, I'd be so bummed for him if he had to miss any of our upcoming Christmas celebrations. We have been very blessed already this Christmas season. We are so thankful for the generosity we've seen from so many people.
My follow up visit back to Cleveland with my Oncologist in scheduled for the second week of January. I'm looking forward to going and expecting good MRI results! Now a little farther into all of this, I have many more questions for her. I think there was just so much information in the beginning that we didn't even have time to think of the questions we would need to be asking.
Also returning to work the first week of January. I'm excited about this. Unfortunately I won't be able to work as much as before, and will have to have every 4th week off due to treatment, but I miss everyone and think this will help me regain some sense of normalcy.
I hope everyone enjoys this holiday season! Have a very MERRY CHRISTMAS and let's all have a safe, and HEALTHY NEW YEAR!!!
Jessie and family.
Friday, December 14, 2007
Round #3
Today begins Jessie's third round of chemo. She will be having her first post-surgery MRI in January. We are all praying for good results and for this chemotherapy to fight off the cancer cells. Keep your chin up Jessie!! We are all praying for you.
Wednesday, November 21, 2007
Happy Thanksgiving from Jessie and the Boys!
Hey there!! Just finishing up my second round of Chemo and it stinks! I keep telling myself that every ugly day of chemo makes me one day closer to being able to say those great words "cancer free!" Chemo is probably the most challenging part of this "journey" I'm on. This Thanksgiving, I'm sure my appetite won't be quite the same as in years past, but as I've laid around feeling sorry for myself all week, I've realized all the many things I have to be thankful for this year and I wanted to share with you. For one I've realized every day that I spend with "my boys"(mike and luke)is truly a gift. Hearing them giggle and laugh brings me such awesome joy. I also find so many "thanks" when I look around the room and see the huge stack of cards, the beautiful flowers, a refrigerator full of food, and just being in my home. We are so thankful for our family and friends in which we've really had to rely on these days. Having to be so dependent on everyone else is definitely a struggle for me. I've often taken for granted the amazing success of my surgeries. I'm especially thankful for God's loving arms holding me tight along the way.I wish everyone an awesome Thanksgiving this year. All of you that read this, and post comments or send cards or keep me in your prayers, you are blessings in our life!! You are also a big reason that I have reason to give "Thanks" this year!!HAPPY THANKSGIVING!!!
LOVE, Jessie and the boys!
LOVE, Jessie and the boys!
Thursday, November 15, 2007
Second Round of Chemotherapy
Jessie will start her second round of chemo tonight. This will be a difficult time for her physically, spiritually, and emotionally. Please lift her to the Lord with your thoughts and keep praying as she seeks the Lord for her strength.
Sunday, October 21, 2007
Jessie's Messege To You!
HI EVERYONE!!! Sorry it's been so long since the last time I have posted anything. My internet has not been working! Before I say too much, please know that I feel very good most of the time!! I just started my first round of chemo yesterday and to say the least I wasn't real thrilled about how I felt. Before I was doing any chemo I felt just the same as always. I look the same, feel good, and I'm starting to feel some sort of normalcy in my life again. I cannot say thank you enough to everyone that has supported us through this in some way or another!! We are completely amazed at how awesome people can be!!! Thank you for all the meals, the gift cards, the gas cards, the encouraging comments posted here, the gifts of money, the great girls I work with, and many other ways in which everyone has come together to hold us up and help us through this yucky time. Oh- don't let me forget, my favorite thing to do right now is to get the mail, everyone's cards are so uplifting!! It remains pretty khaotic at our house as anyone house with an active 3yr old!! Therefore I am very grateful for everyone giving us some time to ourselves, we needed it! Thanks so much for all of your prayers, we feel very lucky for having such great prayer warriors on our side!! I have such confidence that this thing that we're going through is just a bump in our journey called life!! So we're just praying our way through it and hanging on tight!!!
P.S. To all those who are interested, if I continue to feel well, I'm hoping to return to work around the holidays!!!!!!!
P.S. To all those who are interested, if I continue to feel well, I'm hoping to return to work around the holidays!!!!!!!
Thursday, October 11, 2007
Good News!
Jessie heard from the Cleveland Clinic yesterday. The test results are showing that she will only have to do chemotherapy, and will not have to do radiation. This was very good news! She will be traveling to Cleveland on Monday to talk to her Oncologist and they will create a plan for her to start chemo. This definately gave Jessie something to smile about, and we are all praising the Lord.
Thursday, October 4, 2007
Praying for Healing
Jessie traveled back to Cleveland yesterday for her post-surgery appointment. Test results after her surgery have come back. They have changed her diagnosis to a higher grade, faster-growing cancer. They are working and waiting on other test results to come back to create a plan for her treatments. She will most likely not get these results until the middle of next week. As you can imagine, it was a hard day for Jessie. Please continue praying for strength, her spirits, and healing for her body.
Monday, October 1, 2007
Praying For Strength
Jessie, Mike, and Audrey came home on Saturday. Each day is showing improvement, but is still a struggle. I did get to see Jessie's smile today, which I'm very thankful! She is still very tired and needing strength, but I know she will grow stronger every day. They are returning to Cleveland for post-op on Wednesday. Please continue to pray- it truly is her greatest support right now.
Friday, September 28, 2007
Friday's Update
Mike called with a new update this morning. Jessie was a able to take a shower last night. It wore her out, but after more rest, she walked the halls for about 15 minutes. Her swelling is starting to go down, however she is still dealing with quite a bit of pain. They were able to go to the Hope Lodge today and if her night goes well, she will be able to return home tomorrow. Mike and Jessie have asked me to explain that Jessie will have a hard recovery still after she is home, and to please not call or visit for a while. Each day has shown improvement, but it has seemed very slow for Jessie. I will try to put new updates as much as I can, and fill you in on her improvments. She has a long road ahead of her so please post a comment of encouragement or send a card- she loves getting the mail!
Wednesday, September 26, 2007
Prayers Are Answered
I just talked to Mike, and this report is better then the last. Last night Jessie's pain level was a 9-10. This morning her pain level was a 6-7. And tonight her pain level is at about 4-5. She did eat a very small amount today, and she was able to get out of bed briefly. Rest is the best thing for her right now, and she slept most of the day. Each time she wakes she feels slightly better than before. Dr. Barnett is very pleased with her progress; even in the past 24 hours. Her bandages can come off in the morning and they will wash her hair. If all goes according to plan, and if Jessie is up to it, they can go to the Hotel tomorrow night. I'm sure Jessie would be thanking everyone for all the prayers, and we know that they are being answered. Mike said he saw a great amount of progress from this morning to tonight. He seemed much more encouraged by this; "relieved" was the word he used.
Thoughts of Jessie have consumed all of us these past few days. Her struggle is teaching us all so much and encouraging our hearts to be faithful. Jessie- thank you for being such an example of God's amazing grace. I cannot wait to see your smile again. I love you-Janel
Thoughts of Jessie have consumed all of us these past few days. Her struggle is teaching us all so much and encouraging our hearts to be faithful. Jessie- thank you for being such an example of God's amazing grace. I cannot wait to see your smile again. I love you-Janel
Wednesdays Update
Jessie is coming along fine. She definitely is struggling with a lot of pain. Please continue to pray for her to be comfortable, and pray that her spirit and attitude stay positive. Her strength amazes us all.
Tuesday, September 25, 2007
Jessie's Post-Surgery Report
Jessie came through surgery fine. The surgery lasted from 10am -3pm. She is talking, so her speech has not been affected. She will be in the ICU through the night, and probably in the hospital for two more days. We are all rejoicing with the good report and thanking God for His sovereignty. Praise the Lord!!
I will try to keep everyone posted as I recieve new reports.
I will try to keep everyone posted as I recieve new reports.
Saturday, September 22, 2007
Test Results
Jessie will be having surgery on Tuesday morning at the Cleveland Clinic. She will arrive in Cleveland, Monday morning for her pre-op. The surgery will be performed by Dr. Barnett who is the chairman of the board of brain surgery at the Cleveland Clinic. The surgery will last from 5-7 hours. Jessie will be awake during the surgery. There will be neurologist who will be speaking to her all through out the surgery, and she will be quizzed with flash cards as well. She will most likely have no memory of this when she wakes up in recovery, and may stay in recovery though out the night. Test results did come back that her brain tumor is a low-grade cancer, but the cells are mature and slow growing and should respond to chemotherapy. At some point she will be taking 5 pills a day, for 5 days, every 28 days. This routine will last for a year. She will continue to have MRI pictures taken every 3 months, and will have blood drawn often. If everything goes according to plan, she will be in the hospital 2-4 days and in a Cleveland hotel for another night after that. Jessie's attitude continues to be positive, and she remains very optimistic. Keep praying that her spirits remain high and please keep Mike, Audrey, and Luke in your prayers as well.
Monday, September 17, 2007
Surgery Has Been Scheduled
I spent the day with Jessie today. It was over all a very normal day. We took Luke and Beau to Story Hour at the Archbold Library, and played at memorial park. Jessie was in very good spirits today. She was anxious to talk with her nurse from the Cleveland Clinic, and they finally returned her call. Surgery has been scheduled for Tuesday the 25th. They are hoping to get the results from her biopsy on Wednesday of this week when they return for her follow up. If they can't get the results then, they will hope to get a call on Thursday or Friday. Jessie definitely has a peace about her future. She has been so overwhelmed with all the meals and multiple cards that come each day. (The stack of cards is quite large!)
I feel so honored to be Jessie's friend through this time in her life. She is teaching me so much through her renewed spirit of thankfulness. She is hoping to post a comment soon, and we'll try to keep everyone updated along the way.
I feel so honored to be Jessie's friend through this time in her life. She is teaching me so much through her renewed spirit of thankfulness. She is hoping to post a comment soon, and we'll try to keep everyone updated along the way.
Wednesday, September 12, 2007
Day After Biopsy
I talked to Audrey this morning, and she had a good report of Jessie. She said that Jessie had slept well last night, but was still pretty tired this morning. She had eaten breakfast, and was in good spirits. They were waiting to get discharged to go to the hotel and still hoping to come back to Archbold on Thursday. As of now, they are planning on returning to Cleveland on September 19th just for her follow-up from the surgery. They will probably not get her results back from her biopsy that day yet, but I think we can pray that these results will move along quickly.
"He is able to do exceedingly abundantly above all we ask or think" (Eph. 3:20)
"He is able to do exceedingly abundantly above all we ask or think" (Eph. 3:20)
Tuesday, September 11, 2007
Biopsy Completed
After a few delays, Jessie has come through her biopsy fine. Dr Barnett was successful in this procedure with steady hands. Praise the Lord! Now, unfortunately the waiting game begins. Jessie will not get her results from the biopsy for at least 10 days; possibly 3 weeks. They have postponed her September 20th surgery until her results come back. If everything continues to go well, they will be able to come home on Thursday as planned.
Luke spent the day with Jamie Woolace today. She said they had a great day, going to the library and grocery store-then taking a three hour nap. Mike's mom Lisa is staying with Luke so life can be as "normal" as possible. Pray for the family- even extended family. This has been an emotional time and I'm sure they are all grateful for your prayers.
Mike said "Jessie was a trooper today". So many of you have called her an inspiration. She truly has inspired us, hasn't she?
Luke spent the day with Jamie Woolace today. She said they had a great day, going to the library and grocery store-then taking a three hour nap. Mike's mom Lisa is staying with Luke so life can be as "normal" as possible. Pray for the family- even extended family. This has been an emotional time and I'm sure they are all grateful for your prayers.
Mike said "Jessie was a trooper today". So many of you have called her an inspiration. She truly has inspired us, hasn't she?
Jessie's biopsy has been scheduled for today at 2:00 pm. The surgery will last for 2-3 hours and then she will be in recovery for 2-3 hours. When I hear how she came through, I will post an update. It may be morning before I can get a full report. Until then, we will all keep praying and please remember to pray for Mike and Audrey as well. This will be a long day for everyone.
Many people have shown interest in bringing meals to the family when they come home. We are just asking you to call out to Studio 66. We are keeping an organized schedule for them .
Studio 66 445-9100
If any one has questions, you can e-mail me.
Many people have shown interest in bringing meals to the family when they come home. We are just asking you to call out to Studio 66. We are keeping an organized schedule for them .
Studio 66 445-9100
If any one has questions, you can e-mail me.
Monday, September 10, 2007
Prayer Service for Jessie
I just talked to Jessie. Mike, Jessie, and Audrey, are leaving for Cleveland in a few minutes. She is in high spirits and is very optimistic, but very thankful for all the prayers.
We at Studio 66 are inviting, all that want to attend, out to the salon for a prayer service in honor of Jessie. We are all meeting Monday night at 8:15pm. Please feel welcome and if you have any questions, you may call the Studio.
Studio 66
6790 State Hwy. 66
Archbold, OH 43502
(419) 445-9100
Kim Parsley- Michelle Short- Paula Moore- Linda Rupp- Jamie Woolace- Janel Reeder
We at Studio 66 are inviting, all that want to attend, out to the salon for a prayer service in honor of Jessie. We are all meeting Monday night at 8:15pm. Please feel welcome and if you have any questions, you may call the Studio.
Studio 66
6790 State Hwy. 66
Archbold, OH 43502
(419) 445-9100
Kim Parsley- Michelle Short- Paula Moore- Linda Rupp- Jamie Woolace- Janel Reeder
Sunday, September 9, 2007
Jessie's Message to All of you
Hello!! Jessie here again. I just wrote a really nice long comment, then lost it so this one may be on the shorter side. Tomorrow starts our week at Cleveland Hosp. I'm feeling good about everything, I'm sure there will be tough times ahead, but thanks to all the support we've had and faith in God, we're going to get through this and I'm going to be fine! I want to make sure that everyone who has called or stopped by and we've either not been home or what ever, please know that we appreciate everything!! Our time with Luke has been limited so we are trying to make the most of it! If we have not returned your call, please know it does not go unnoticed, but instead it lifts us up and puts a smile on our face and keeps us strong!! I hope someday someway I will be able to return all of the awesome generosity we have been receiving! We will be in touch and I'm sure Janel will be keeping you informed. Thanks again Janel!!!!!! Keep up the prayers, they are going to work!!!
Love, Jess and the boys!
Love, Jess and the boys!
Thursday, September 6, 2007
Saturday, September 1, 2007
Cleveland Clinic
Friday, August 31, 2007
My Purpose "For Jessie"
We all want to do something to show support and help Jessie in any way that we can. This is why I created this blog "for Jessie". This will be a way to update everyone on her progress, and allow others to show their support as well. She is overwhelmed with the support that she is already receiving, and she feels very loved and encouraged. My hope is to post specific prayer request so that we can lift Jessie to the Lord, and keep encouraging her through this time in her life. Please feel free to post your comments of continued support for Jessie.
Janel Reeder
Janel Reeder
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